Netiquette : Realshare | Youth Cancer Trust

Netiquette : Realshare

A Guide to using our Online Programme

Please read our guidance for using our secure online community here on Realshare and in our closed Facebook group.


Netiquette (or ‘net etiquette’) is having respect and consideration for each other when using online platforms and social media.

It can help you make and keep good friends and to participate in the group, without accidentally offending anyone.

Follow our guide to help you when using our Online Programme at Youth Cancer Trust.


What happens in the programme stays in the programme!  Our Facebook group and secure site is a safe place for Youth Cancer Trust guests to share their thoughts, chat with their friends, attend activities and receive support. All conversations, photos, videos and other content must remain strictly within the group and not shared outside of this – unless permission has been given.

Show Respect

When talking to people online, it’s easy to forget that there is a real person at the other end reading what you say. You should respect other’s feelings at all times and never say anything online that you wouldn’t say face to face.

It’s ok if you don’t agree with someone else’s opinion, thoughts or lifestyle, but they still deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, just like you do.

Think Before You Post

Before you post anything, take a moment to consider how your comment could be interpreted. It might seem like an innocent remark to you, but remember that others might read something into it. It can often be difficult to get a point across in plain text and this can lead to misunderstandings. So equally, if you’re unsure exactly what somebody is driving at, give them the benefit of the doubt and ask them politely if they could clarify what they mean.

Never respond in anger to something that has upset you, take a break and come back and think about how to word your reply.

Avoid Arguments

If somebody’s trying to stir up trouble, the worst thing you can do is respond.

Avoid quoting or paraphrasing other members’ comments out of context to prove a point this can cause offense and fuel an argument.

Also try to use italics or *asterisks* to emphasise a point instead of capital letters as it can seem like you are SHOUTING!

Avoid Posting Spam

Please don’t forward chain letters or use the group to promote your business.

Respect Diversity

We’re all different and express ourselves in different ways. Remember that this is what makes the world so amazing.

Be Supportive and Welcoming

Remember that the purpose of the group is to make friends and to support each other so please try to be as friendly and kind to each other as you can and make new members feel welcome and included.

Finally, if you have any concerns whilst you are using the online programme, or if you feel you are being bullied or unfairly treated, please report to a member of the Youth Cancer Trust team immediately so we can help you.

We can and will remove and block anyone that is not acting respectfully to other members.