Guest, Companion & Parent Stories | Youth Cancer Trust

Guest, companion & parent stories

Here are just a few of the wonderful Youth Cancer Trust holiday stories from guests, their companions as well as parents.

  • This week has been amazing, I have enjoyed all of the activities and have had such a good time. Cant wait to come back next year. Thank you so much!


  • Jim and Brenda, you both are the most amazing people I have ever met. I genuinely miss you both when I'm not here. I love Bournemouth so much and I get so excited when you invite me back. It's been my 3rd time here and the best time so far!

    The people I have met here are absolutely amazing. I have had such a good time singing Great Balls of Fire with Jim. You both make me laugh so much you have made this house like my favourite second home! Brenda I'm so very sorry for making you drag me to the doctors, despite me feeling ill I had a wicked time. We had really great activities again like, Go-karting and Dry ski slopes.

    Oh and Brenda I love your new hair it looks great! Thank you so much for the gift bags with the Shaving foam. (Is that for my chest? Ha-ha!) Thanks again. You're both absolutely great and I hope to come down soon again!


  • Had a great time, not only in terms of fun, but in meeting new people and understanding more about such a serious illness.You really are inspirational, and have made a big impact upon me, and makes me value certain things a lot more.

    Many thanks, not to be forgotten. Thanks for everything.


  • I’m trying to think of new ways to say what I've already said a thousand times before – You guys are amazing! I've had a fabulous time and recharged my batteries.


  • Thank you! This break was just what I needed there should be more Tracy Ann House's all over the country.
