Amazon Smile

Youth Cancer Trust is now listed as a charity on Amazon Smile 🙂
Remember, always start at and then choose Youth Cancer Trust as your preferred charity and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to the Youth Cancer Trust.
Give As You Live

You Can Help Youth Cancer Trust, just by shopping online – by Give As You Live!!
You can now help Youth Cancer Trust – just by shopping. Shop with your favourite stores and they’ll donate to us – all without charging you a penny more.
All you need to do is join and install Give as you Live.
Start raising funds now – click this link:
Here’s what happens next…
- Visit the website and click “Get started”.
- Fill in a quick few details. Your information is safe.
- Install Give as you Live. This is 100% secure and takes seconds.
Every time you shop online you can raise money for Youth Cancer Trust – without putting your hand deeper into your pocket. Start raising funds now.
How does Give as you Live work?
Watch this video and see how it easy it is…
Ebay for Charity

Make a difference when you buy or sell online and use the Youth Cancer Trust Ebay account. Every time you buy something on our page the seller has agreed to donate 10% of the price to the Youth Cancer Trust. Please visit our Ebay page here and support us whilst you shop.
You decide exactly what percentage of your final selling price you’d like to give to Youth Cancer Trust and what percentage you’d like for yourself.
eBay for Charity listings are the same as any other eBay listing, except for the blue and yellow eBay for Charity ribbon in search results and your chosen charity’s mission statement and logo in your listing. This means your listing can be seen by everyone who searches through It’ll also get extra visibility through the eBay for Charity pages.
When you buy an item with the eBay charity ribbon, some or all of what you pay will go directly to Youth Cancer Trust. Any seller can list ebay charity items, if you see the logo you know you’re supporting a good cause.
When you choose Youth Cancer Trust as your favourite charity, this allows you to make an optional donation every time you buy or sell on ebay and is another way to help fund the work we do with young people with cancer.
Find out more here
Don’t forget to Gift Aid it
Simply tick the Gift Aid box when you first list an item for charity, provided you pay more in UK income or capital gains tax than you’re asking charities to claim back in each tax year. PayPal Giving Fund will collect the Gift Aid from the government and pass it on directly to Youth Cancer Trust.
Easy Fundraising

Choose from over 2000 of the UK’s best-known retailers including many popular names such as Amazon, M&S, Argos, John Lewis and HMV, and when you shop using the links on the easyfundraising site up to 15% from every purchase you make is donated to the Youth Cancer Trust.
It doesn’t cost a penny extra to shop and raise funds for YCT, and many retailers now give extra discounts when you buy online, you can even save money!